/My Intro

Hack The Box

I’m Uday Sharan ! A Cyber-Security Enthusiast . I got interested in this field of Ethical Hacking Because of the interest I have on computers since the childhood. I’m curious with the Modern Technology, Internet and the endless possibilities with it.

I like to be challenged, solve problems and build projects. I’m also interested in learning new Languages, Technologies and discovering new cultures. So if you are looking for me I’ll be hacking something around, learning cool stuff, traveling/backpacking or just cruising with my skateboard 😉

Working For Hackerone and bugcrowd… as a security consultant and bugHunter !!

I’m in love with linux and the concept of Open-Source. Looking forward to Build some cool Tools and contribute ’em to the Open Source Community. Its Good to Automate the daily tasks and make life much more easier of the people.

My Hobbies are Playing Chess, Capture The Flag challenges, Coding with Python and Bash…

Contact Details:

Email: Udaysharan123@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9652647307